"No Quarter" (for the COVID Tyrants and their Co-conspirators)

1 year ago

Some of you complied with tyranny and wore it on your sleeves like it was virtuous, when it was actually cowardly and a betrayal of your fellow citizens and neighbors, who you then mocked, demonized and persecuted for simply telling the truth and having the integrity and courage to do the right thing.

Some of you allowed yourselves, and even your family, even YOUR CHILDREN, to be injected with a harmful and ineffective experimental gene therapy in the name of health and virtue, for a 100% preventable and curable illness, and went right along with mandated "vaccines" on everyone including pregnant women and children.

Some of you accepted school closures and allowed the masking and brainwashing of our children, just to make yourselves feel safe and which caused them physiological harm, mental harm, and developmental harm.

Some of you accepted lockdowns that ruined lives and businesses, ignored deadly hospital protocols and their murder for profit, ignored our seniors dying isolated and alone, ignored censorship of and restricted access to effective therapeutics.


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