Was it fair that Solomon became king instead of Adonijah?

11 months ago

In the kingdom of Israel, where kings were constantly overthrown and dynasties were short-lived, but in the kingdom of Judah, the throne always passed from father to eldest son. This is because God promised David an enduring dynasty in 2 Samuel 7:16.

However, David himself didn't give the throne to his eldest son, Adonijah, like tradition would later demand. He gave it to Solomon, the child of a woman he wasn't even supposed to sleep with. He didn't even tell Adonijah that he planned to make Solomon king.

Adonijah seems like the victim in this story, but is he? Was he cheated out of the throne? Today, we'll learn about how God sees royalty and human traditions in an attempt to find out if Adonijah was David's rightful heir.

Only, Solomon was never supposed to be king in the first place. For one thing, he shouldn't have been born, because David was supposed to die after sleeping with Bathsheba and killing her husband in 2 Samuel 11. When David repented of his son, God forgave him, allowing David and Bathsheba to have more children, including Solomon.

Secondly, David had already had children before he met Bathsheba: six in fact. Since Amnon, Absalom, and presumably Chileab had died before David was choosing his successor, that would make Adonijah the heir apparent.

More information:

Our Book: https://www.amazon.ca/Gods-Unfolding-Government-ATTESTING-INAUGURATION-ebook/dp/B086T4XYVQ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=god%27s+unfolding+government&qid=1586357200&sr=8-1

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