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![Mariam Magdalene is Called in to Heal the Heart of MAN & WOMAN](
Mariam Magdalene is Called in to Heal the Heart of MAN & WOMAN
Mariam Magdalene
is Called in to
Heal the Heart of
The damage within Man and the damage within Woman- and the havoc it continues to wreak, and how we change that finally now.
I set the scene for the investigation: love flow between man and woman. I recall some of my story and difficulties- those which all of us have encountered….
4.17 How do we heal it?
I align myself with receptivity and peace to all me to know, feel, and learn, to release old programmes, to look with eyes open…symbolically, with courage and with love.
6.30 “Soft….into the soft space, into the soft heart. Soft warms elf, thew centre of the heart and of the love. Pain release, pain release, pain release it. Your mind plays the tricks, oh darling, the tricks play you. He can’t get through, he can’t get through in that state, he can’t feel you and he feels his pain, and you both hit each other in the wrong place, Umm ow ,ow ow ow ow ow .
Oh my darling, I hate it when we are apart like this, I so hate it. I hate feeling ‘neutral ‘, I don’t want to feel neutral. This isn’t what I want to be, I want to love you. I hate feeling that neutral thing, that coldness.
Pains, pains, pains. prides and pains- you have to have pride, you MUST speak it, and yet you fear that is what pushes him away. - It is a strange dichotomy. This is the place that women have been pushed into. It is so hard to manifest and navigate this . the woman HAS to stand up for her honour and her rights to be respected: to be cherished and treasured and honoured.
And at the SAME time, it feels like you push them away with that- Oh My God, it’s so painful.
Great Spirit, dear GOD, show me how to navigate this.
My Greater Self, who would like to speak to this healing here?
“All us women, we have it. We know somewhere within us, we have had pieces of our selves flayed-off us during our lives. I saw it so recently:
A video of a beautiful, extraordinary woman; beautiful voice, beautiful to look at, exquisite mind, brilliance.
None of those brilliant lovely men could say her name: she wasn’t even given a name! I wept! I wept at that!
It is a travesty that we have come to this place, that the best of men cannot remember the name of the woman, and my! Does the fury and the ire rise in me! - And others. And you know what? That terrifies the living daylight out of them, because they KNOW somewhere it is wrong. They know somewhere they have done something wrong, but they don’t know what to do about it.
And we are FURIOUS at these- who knows how long- the woman derided. I hear Juan O Savin talking about eh Eve story as if she’s some kind of despot, and Adam is the saviour. How dare he? It disgusts me!
10.30 It disgusts me to see women under-valued. It makes me feel sick to the core. Women children: we are getting it all the time right now, with the war. No woman ever wanted war who is a mother. And we have commentators, cool as a cucumber, saying “Oh, it has to be.”
No! This is not right. This shit has to change.
We need proper men speaking, but we need them to be proper men: honour the woman.
How, women, do we get to that place?
How two we bring- because it is not through shouting and swearing. How, how do we embody the full value, the full honour, the full wealth, the full abundance, the full beauty, the full healing, the full being and essence of being the feminine?
Thousands of us every day reach for it within our souls- we are reaching, and we haven’t yet achieved it. We need more information.
Prime Creator, I ask, give me Mary Magdalene.
I have a connection with her: I have her hands- the “M” in her hands, my original name is, “Mariam”- I never use it because it was abused by my ex-husband. He said it so awfully, and so did my family. It is a beautiful name: “Mariam” is “Magdalena”, it is the same name, I have connection to her.
11.55 She was a spirit, like dear Jesus Christ: exquisite harmony, very high-dimensional being. She has been maligned as a sexual object, and then as an inspirer to sexuality, and nothing else. This, beautiful human- this being beyond human, of humanity and beyond- way, way beyond- just like Jesus Christ- Jeshua.
The glorious beings: my fingers tingle just to speak their names:
“Jeshua”, “Mariam Magdalena”.
We MUST bring in this essence. my dear finder, show me what to say, come through me please, dear one, and speak, that we may find this quality, this essence. That we may be - honoured.
That is may be SEEN, what we do in our hearts, what we feel when we love! When we love our men, and they are caught up in battles, with no, no awareness of there pains we go through.
Ahh, it is sadness in full. It is.
( Magdalena speaks now:)
13.20 “It is one of the key disgraces: what should have been upheld and cherished, is maligned. I understand your grief. The sovereign being you speak of and wish to promote: ‘Activating Human Potential’. You are a woman and you wish to embody this- the full essence of your being. And not hidden in a cupboard, but being here: open. Authentically true, pure, being seen, being heard, being known because, you know, millions of women are in the place.
Men have their own ‘subjugations’. We must, must heal these parasitic shields and coverings, masks and armours which have been placed upon your true essences.
You wish, more than anything, to worship your man: in his purity and his courage, and his beauty- physically, all the qualities you admire of him. And yet, how can you when you feel so hurt, so de-valued? And you ask yourself daily, what can you do? What can you do? Surely, there is information?
15.22 And you understand so clearly: it is never in strident warriorship that the woman’s heart is revealed for its shining beauty. That is a Disney paradigm, created yet again to entrap you all. -Entrap you ALL in battles with each other.
Your hearts must find ways to speak: be seen and be heard, to inspire those who cannot find the words yet. The love of your heart, you know it! It is maybe intangible on a level, but there is nothing intangible in its essence.
How do you see this and reveal it?
The world is still in touch and taste and smell and hearing…the feelings which are not touch: these fine, fine essential impulses of humanity, they have weight! And they have volume and dimension, they have colour, they have breadth and depth! You can see it in your minds’ eye right now- you are seeing this expanding flower- you KNOW its value!
17.10 It is so hard when you see not the reflection coming back of it. You understand its beauty and you see not the honouring, and it puzzles you and it turns your mind inside-out!
And it happens with all of you. And that is why you believe that war is stronger than love, because you doubt yourself because there is no acknowledgment. And it just goes into the there, and there is no ‘seen’ or ‘heard’ or ‘registered’. It is completely ignored.
17.50 You must understand, this same is in them: in theme, it is just buried even deeper. It is buried even deeper. And it turns into fears, because it is feeling like shame, and it festers into fear. The shame is - the ‘awake’ men, - those who understand heart and love. They do not know how to integrate these two pieces because the world is built antithetically to it, and they have to navigate their way through these labyrinths and somewhere they know they are hurting that which they most treasure. And they do not know what to do- it is like a thorn in their heart. And that is the thorn you felt last night- so strong! He threw it back to you because it was too painful when you questioned his love, and you felt the thorn in your heart, literally physically painful.
18.55 We MUST find ways- if it is only a few people to start with. - To resonate the full truth and beauty of the human polarity: ’she’ and ‘he’.
When you love, you hold his heart- that is your love. You wish it to be strong enough to do what he needs to do. Joyful enough to feed him through it. Powerful enough to take him through difficulty. You wish his spirit to be connected deeply into his body. And these wishes are not immaterial, they are energy, they come from your deepest being.
19.55 You ask yourself “How do you hold this knowledge?’ -Irrevocably! Beyond doubt.
How do you embody this knowing, that nothing may shake you from outside? It is the registering and admitting what you ARE as ‘woman’. You are the bearer of gifts. You hold it within you- just like you hold a child within you. You hold vast oceans of love within you.
And if it does not flow- if it is not allowed to move in and to touch- to touch the man, to touch his heart, to call him back to his centre, to call him back to remembrance of alignment; SPIRIT FIRST, AND THE WORLD, THE ‘EARTHTY PULLINGS’, SECOND.
This IS the love of your heart.
21.21 You feel the deep stillness and there is colour in your mind now: you are wearing purple, but the soft purple I see in your mind is a different quality to itself- it has a ‘breath’ to it. And there is tinges of turquoise and white- this ‘palpable’ existence of your love.
Those who say to ‘detach yourself’ are also incorrect- that is a survival strategy. “Full, human integration”, of Spirit, incarnated into the body is the heart open - flow. Full energetic flow. And it is not a selfish system: a woman, when she creates a child within her body with the help of a man, she builds her field, her toroid, with this growing child, and they both expand outwards. It is two beings in one. This is her nature- it IS the same.
22.54 When she and her man love each other, and there is the flowing of love and joy and recognition, - and it does not need to be in sex. I know this myself. It is Energy. Presence. Mind. The soul meeting the soul in love and joy and recognition- in delight and joy. And when that happens, there tis na interweaving of both energy bodies, so powerful, that it has been so suppressed. We have many, many, many half truths about this. And all the darkness of the world is based upon attempting to get to that power! - Through manipulative means, not through the flow of love.
23.54 It is NOT the body and the sexual chemistry that opens the man’s heart, although that is the ‘doorknob’ (chuckle)- it is the handle of the door, although it is not the door. The ‘door’ is the spirit, it is the love, it is the energy. It is the purity, it is the beauty, it is the resonance of one spirit with another- a ‘fit’ of joy.
You know it! You know the look, you know the look in the eyes. - And he sees you and he knows you, and it is just joy and love. Nothing more is needed in that moment, it is pure beauty as human beings as pieces of GOD. It is so very simple.
And you wish every weight and burden to fall from his back. You wish for nothing more than that: every burden weighing him down, every attempt from the system to constrict and enslave, and control- that they may be put down. - That this soul may exist in quiet joy. This is our birthright we have been so denied.”
25.27 I ask now to be the embodiment of this quality: this unshakeable knowing of the quiet, pristine value of this being of the feminine. Allow me to hold it within my cells, hold it within my energy body. Allow me to hold it as one of many on this planet, to be a resonator of this. And to touch, the deepest, softest, quietest, most hurt place in the heart of our men- my man. And that we LEAVE this, and we leave it for good, and we bring in or true natures. And we celebrate, we celebrate not all of this artificial ‘non-sense’.
And that is in both the male and in the female, it is like a double-sided thorn and it has-been implanted into your psyche for so long.
27.17 I command Prime Creator, I command Prime Creator: within me, and him, remove this, enable the healing of this. Allow us to be that energy resonating. Allow us to be that, because I wish for no more women to have to feel the pain of loving because the man feels he has to shut his heart off.
It is the deepest travesty ever, ever created here, because it is at the basis of everything. It is not money, it is not greed, it is not power or politics, it is THAT- right at the very core of our humanity.
I ask Prime Creator, I ask Prime Creator: dissolve this paradigm. Allow me to remove it, from myself, from him and from humanity- that we may love.
28.51 “Sing, sing it into being- we flow through you…” and I create a song based upon my favourite which has ever made it to an album, with changes….
33.33 I want us to have something to hold onto for this. Planting a seed….. I explain about Kari’s physical work in the heart opening but we need to work on our mind to allow it to feel our normative experience. I ask about the double-ended spear piece and what we should do with it.
34.33 This is the Rose that is associated with Magdalena _ it is the rose from the thorn. This is why there is the crown of the thorns and the roses. From the thorn you have the Rose. The rose flower has been cut off…..not allowed to blossom. If you compare a heart to a rose: the many petals, the depth, the density, the beauty, the colour, the scent. Instead of the thorn, we need the rose to grow.
Prime Creator, Prime Creation, allow me, allow our planet, to receive now, this vibration, this frequency, this activation, this truth of what love is here. Woman to Man, Man to Woman- a thread of Gold.
Now my friends, take this and use it please, and let it grow.
We know we are not here for an accident, us tony little beings on this great big planet, realm, Earth, Amma,- whatever. We are here for reasons and purposes, we hold ‘fields’: specific and multi-faceted frequencies.
You know when you love an animal or a tree or a plant- you know when you love a child, or you love another human, you light up inside- you know that. And we power each other through the love of man and woman, woman and man: this is the infinite engine of this planet. Everything else is secondary to that. Everything else.
Anybody who can see this, and add to it, make this, we’ve said it for centuries- remember the’60’s!? “Make Love not War!’- the frequency of love : let us KNOW it, in quietude, in solitude, when we are together, apart. Let us KNOW this is who we are. And the woman loves her man and the man loves his woman. - It’s that way- sex is different- he comes into her….but this is the focused beam of love from the woman’s heart into his and he surrounds her with his love. The sexual ‘shaping’ is different from the love ‘shaping’. It is like a beam, a beam of love- you can’t see it, but you can feel it and we know it. And the man then holds her, because he feels her in his heart, and it comes alight! Everything about him comes alight, comes alive.
You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
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