Is Our Existence Mere Chance?

10 months ago

We are not here by mere chance.

The random probability that a set of parameters would align themselves in the required precision necessary to support our existence is, to some, incomprehensible. While we do not know the full extent of the universe and, therefore, cannot even remotely calculate a singular probability of our existence, we can use the KNOWN parameters and determine their probabilities. And when we take them as a whole, or even individually, our existence is nothing short of a miracle.

Against all odds, the universe has been fine-tuned to allow the possibility of life, of our existence, the existence of the only rationale being on this planet and within our known universe.

If the force of gravity, which not only holds us on Earth, but holds the various bodies in the universe together, were only slightly weaker it would prevent planets and stars from forming. If that force were slightly stronger the energy generated from the mass of a star would cause it to burn up too quickly.

Any slight change in the electromagnetic force, an attractive and repulsive force acting over short distances and holding an atom's electrons together, would alter the stability of chemical bonds.

Any change in the strong nuclear force, which works over extremely short distances and holds together the nuclei of atoms, would drastically affect the stability of chemical elements.

Additionally, any change in the weak nuclear force, the decay of atoms, would prevent stars from forming.

And above these few parameters, the initial conditions, the odds that by chance the low entropy needed at the beginning of time would be 1 in 10^10^123.

The irrational mind, when attempting to comprehend the various probabilities of each parameter aligning just right, will reel away in dizziness. And, when attempting to steady themselves, will reach for and grasp at ever exceedingly irrational arguments against "fine-tuning." Two such arguments are advanced alien seeding our existence and that we are but one of an infinite number of multiverses. These are just two arguments that try to answer, without evidence, which SCIENCE has already provided evidence for the more rational belief in...God, the Creator.

Further reading (affiliate links):
Hugh Ross: Why the Universe Is The Way It Is”
- Paperback:
- Kindle:

Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards: The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery
- Paperback:
- Hardcover:
- Kindle:
- Audible:

Stephen Meyer: Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe
- Paperback:
- Hardcover:
- Kindle:
- Audible:

The Great Adventure Catholic Bible
- Imitation Leather:
- Paperback:

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