The Truth About Economic Fascism

1 year ago

What is economic fascism? Simply put, it is the merger of corporations and state. In this episode, Jack puts forth several logical arguments. One is that the European citizen in a majority European ethnic state is a good citizen. Two is that a corporation is naturally evil from the perspective of the citizen as the corporation seeks profit over and above the best interest of the employee. There are then four possibilities to exist in the relation between the corporation and the government. In the neutral position, the government does not interfere with the corporation and the corporation mistreats the employee as much as it can. If the government is evil and a state of economic fascism exists then the government controls the corporations and the employees are still mistreated. If the corporations have captured the government, which is the reality in the U.S., then the corporations freely mistreat their employees. In all three of those scenarios, the corporation will mistreat their employees. The fourth scenario is that a good government exerts the threat of potential nationalization of the corporation in order to coerce the corporation into treating employees well and to the overall benefit of the citizenry. The conclusion is that only economic fascism from a good government can check the evil of corporations. Economic fascism is both good and evil depending on the nature of the government that wields this power.

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