Most Requested Family Favorite – 4 Pudding Bundt Cake – Pound Cake – The Hillbilly Kitchen

1 year ago

Most Requested Family Favorite – 4 Pudding Bundt Cake – Pound Cake – The Hillbilly Kitchen
It did not matter what the occasion if there were folks gathering and eating when my kids were young, I always took at least 2 of these cakes, lemon and chocolate. Everybody loved them! They are very easy and inexpensive to make. With a little careful shopping you can still whip one up for about $4 in about 4 minutes. Which makes them the World’s Best Bundt/Pound Cake!
I called it my 4 cake because I had 4 kids so I could remember the 4 ingredients. Now it costs $4. You can make 2 of these cakes for less than one would cost in a bakery, and everybody will be impressed with the delicious, beautiful cake that you baked.

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Remember to Put God First!

1 Cake Mix
1 – 4 serving box Pudding
4 Eggs
¼ cup Oil
1 cup Water
You can use any flavor you like.
You can eat it plain or make a glaze or melt ½ can frosting to glaze cake.
I almost always add 1 cup mini chocolate chips to my chocolate cakes.

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Business inquires:
The Hillbilly Kitchen
P.O. Box 243
New Tazewell, TN 37824

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