Be careful where you get your information from. I love this quote because I love staying in my lane

9 months ago

Originally uploaded: December 25th, 2022

YouTube Link:

YouTube Description: (Lets stay on Rumble tho)

I actually used myself as an example in this quote, I love this quote. My brain cells froze over too.

Yo, I appreciate the suggestions, but relationships and the college niche for me writing or talking about on YouTube ain't me loves. Please go to the appropriate experts for this, and I'm actually starting a link tree for this, because I'm getting a lot of suggestions on this. I'm a firm believer in staying in my lane, and minding my own business. Like for real. I'm brutally honest, and will not swerve into topics, pretending to knowing something I don't. If I don't know, I'll just say I don't know.

Connect With Me:
Tik Tok: Dinnerrollgirl
Facebook: Alesha "Silky Slick" Peterson
Twitter: aleshapeterson
Instagram: aleshampeterson

Filmed December 24th, 2022. Happy Christmas Eve & Merry Christmas!

Thank you! 10,000 views on here! (10,168 views to be exact). September 22nd 2022. Happy 1st Day Of Fall Y'all.

Thank you! 12,461 views a day later! September 23rd 2022! Y'all rock!

YAYY! YALL ARE INCREDIBLE. 13,616 views on September 24th, 2022

October 5th, 2022: 17,560

October 11th, 2022: Happy Surgery Day 1! 19,250

October 22nd, 2022: 20,636

November 4th, 2022: 21,946

November 30th, 2022: 26,270! 12/5/2022: 26,633

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