STM32 LED Control: Expanding CubeIDE's Code with Custom While Loops

10 months ago

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Credit for the content and information in this video goes to [Book Title] by [Author's Name]. This video is created for educational purposes and I believe it falls under the fair use doctrine. My intention is to provide additional insights and demonstrations to help viewers understand the content in a more practical way. If you find this content valuable, I encourage you to check out the original book for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

[1] D. Ibrahim, Nucleo Boards Programming with the STM32CubeIDE: Hands-on in more than 50 projects. The Netherlands, Elektor, 2023.

[2] [STMicroelectronics]. "STM32CubeIDE Basics Playlist" YouTube. [Online]. Available: Accessed: 2023.

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