The TRUTH about Ronda Kennedy Candidate, Carpetbagger, and Opportunist for Nevada’s US Senate 2024!

1 year ago

Steve Sanson, President of Veterans In Politics International

1 There is no issue When I attack a male opponent until I attack a female. I don't discriminate. Why should you?

2. Nobody tells me what to do, say, or post. I don't have a gatekeeper if you have an issue with me. Then come to ME!

3. Let's discuss Ronda Kennedy, who wants to be your U.S. Senator.

4. I have a history with Ronda Kennedy. And she used to be my Radio host over ten years ago. I brought her into Veterans In Politics.

5. She rents her house in Rhodes Ranch and calls black Americans "Hood People." You can hear her on the Veterans In Politics interview. She also said she lives next to a couple of Hood People. But as you listen to her interview, it makes you say she has a dirty mouth. I believe Ronda rented a house in Nevada to pick up and leave when Nevada rejected her.

6. She and her husband work in California. Rondha and her husband are attorneys. In California

7. She has no bar license in the state of Nevada.

8. She registered as a candidate for U.S. Senate 2 months after she moved to Nevada.

9. She moved to Nevada in September 2022. That alone should be a call for alarm. Can you opportunist?

10. She has no voting history in Nevada and registered to vote in May 2023.

11. She has nothing vesting in Nevada, the definition of a true Carpetbagger.

12. She warps everything around slavery; she somehow feels entitled

13. She resolves issues by suing because she doesn't have any other weapon to use; Kennedy doesn't know how to negotiate because she goes right to anger, criticism, and sarcasm.

14. She said Florida was her first choice but decided on Nevada because of Roger Stone.

15. Ronda has been absent from Nevada for over ten years.

16. Let's take a look at Kennedy's political history. Hailing from California, she ran for California House in 2022, California Congressional seat in 2020, and California State Assembly in 2018. California has rejected her three times. All seats were nonpartisan; She brags about receiving Trump's endorsement but in the 2020 and 2018 elections. She was the only Republican in the race. The Pickens were slim even for Trump.

17. She asked what we have done in Nevada for the past 30 years as if we are all idiots and need her to save us.

18. Ronda Kennedy will paint you a picture of her being a victim. Let me tell you, she is no victim, maybe at one time, but not now. Please don't fall for her pity party stupidity.

19. She stated in the Veterans In Politics interview that she has no plan for Nevada or idea of securing our borders.

20. As she said in the Veterans In Politics interview, "She doesn't give a Shit what people say about her."

21. Ronda Kennedy, you have been absent from Nevada for over ten years. We don't need you then, and we don't need you now. Take Roger Stone's advice and Go to Florida.

22. California has rejected you, and Nevada will, too!

23. Could you listen to the video below?
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Thu, Nov 16, 2023

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