Pray for the Chinese military, they hold the key to stopping the CCP.

1 year ago

Christians, I encourage all of you to continue to pray for EXPOSURE and also that God would be merciful to His children as He has promised, because the plans by the Communist Chinese are real, effective and VERY destructive. Unfortunately, the CCP still has trillions of dollars hidden to fund their nefarious plot, although many can see the Chinese economy is crumbling, the CCP has HUGE resources still at their disposal to continue with their diabolical multifaceted plan attempting to destroy the USA. Pray for the Chinese military, they, more than anyone on planet earth, need to hear the gospel and receive Christ as Savior. Pray for my daily Mandarin Bible study, important Chinese people are listening, and God's word is powerful. Pray for BIG changes to come. I am optimistic NOT because of myself, but rather I trust in HIS word to change hearts. Bonifay, Florida 11/24/23 We at the ME Foundation see BIG changes in many places, it is time for that to come to the Chinese people.

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