CIA Analyst Discusses the Assassination of Edward Snowden - NextNewsNetwork - 2013

9 months ago

Published on Nov 8, 2013

"MOSCOW | Edward Snowden, who is targeting him for assassination? Poison, drone, bullet? There is no doubt a target is painted on his back. So far his allies have rallied to his cause and this year, the Sam Adams Award was delivered to him by them. It is presented to an official in the intelligence field who has demonstrated extraordinary levels of ethics.

The presentation to the NSA whistleblower was made in Moscow. Snowden's passport was revoked by officials for the Obama Administration. An online petition to have the passport re-instated has already gathered over 44,000 signatures.

The Sam Adams award has been in existence since 2002. In past years, recognition has been extended to people including Julian Asssange, in 2010. Samuel Provance, who exposed abuses at Abu Ghraib, was the 2006 winner.

The Sam Adams award was presented to Edward Snowden last month by Ray McGovern. A veteran CIA analyst, he worked at the White House for 27 years. During that time, he frequently delivered intelligence updates to several presidents.

McGovern left the Federal Government, and is now a political activist working to bring government abuses to light.

Ray McGovern is our guest on the show today. He has the unique insight of someone who spent years delivering the most sensitive information in the world to the Commander-in-Chief. McGovern is here to talk to us about whistleblowers, the surveillance state, and the current threats to Edward Snowden.

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