Colossal Hope in David's Throne

10 months ago

During a time of darkness and corruption in ancient Israel, Hannah prophesied of the colossal hope in King David’s throne. This was long before David was even born! Learn how the hope of David’s throne transformed Israel—and how it can transform your life as well.


God blessed Hannah with a son named Samuel, whom she dedicated to God. Even as a young boy, Samuel was used powerfully by God to lead a spiritual resurgence in Israel. He anointed the young David as king and stayed loyal to him for a lifetime. Samuel prophesied that David’s kingly line would last forever—down through the age of man, to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and beyond!

Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The New Throne of David to discover where David’s everlasting throne is located today. This throne probably isn’t where you think! But it does exist, and you can find it. Your Bible reveals God’s active role in the line of David for the past 3000 years. You can prove that God has made a stunning change in the throne of David in this end time. For the first time ever, the promised throne and lawgiver of Genesis 49 are joined in one place! And only in that place can you receive revealed truth from God.

Tragically, only a tiny percentage of God’s own people have remained loyal to David’s throne. Like the high priest Zadok anciently, this loyal remnant has fought to hold on to God’s truth and deliver the colossal hope of David’s throne to all mankind!

Study The New Throne of David to learn about the spiritual warfare that rages daily in these final moments before the return of the Messiah. Only by putting on the whole armor of God and wielding the sword of the Spirit can God’s loyal people continue understanding new revelation. The devil has conquered everyone else. Request The New Throne of David today.

God showed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh twice. Shiloh was a place of miracles. But it was destroyed. In Genesis, the Messiah is called Shiloh. What can you learn from Shiloh?

Request Gerald Flurry’s free reprint article “The Prophet Samuel in Shiloh” to understand why you must focus on Shiloh today—God’s headquarters on Earth.

Hannah dedicated her son Samuel to God at Shiloh. Samuel served God there. Today, God’s man and God’s people serve Him at a spiritual type of Shiloh. There is only one work of God on the entire Earth. You need to know where it is.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The New Throne of David and “The Prophet Samuel in Shiloh.” Order now!

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