Guru or scammer? Eckhart Tollle.

1 year ago

Eckhart Tolle is a famous author, speaker, and spiritual teacher, with teachings that have helped many quiet their minds and live in the present moment. Enabling them to live an overall happier life. His book The Power of Now positively impacted my life. And helped guide me to understand my own mind, allowing me to understand that my ego is not me and that the here and now is where I can find peace of mind. "Now". Some followers take it as far has to worship him as their guru.

In this video, I explore if Tolle is truly authentic or simply capitalizing on others’ desires for enlightenment. His awakening story was inspiring to me, but some claim it may be fabricated. And with an estimated net worth up to $80 million from books, seminars, and groups like his "Inner Circle," Tolle certainly profits handsomely from his teachings.

I have benefited from Tolle’s ideas, many of which resemble longstanding wisdom from Buddhism, Hinduism, and other faiths - In which he borrows to his liking.

I'm not here to say Tolle is bad or good. I want to look at him has human. Can he teach useful spiritual lessons while also having flaws and earning money? I think so. I like his teachings. But the most important thing is for each of us to find wisdom inside ourselves - not just follow one teacher blindly. Every student has to think for themselves on their own life journey. Teachers aren't perfect in every way. We can learn good things from them and still question their teachings and their motives.

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