Dr. Emily Bashah, Psychologist (Focus on Terrorism & Murder) | Manipulative Media Tactics

10 months ago

Once upon a time, there was an unbiased news report.

Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn't it?

We've long suspected it, but here's the uncomfortable truth:
News is a business.
A business that feeds not on facts, but on emotions.

"Rage sells better than serenity."

Media moguls know this.
Radicalizers know this.
But do the viewers know this?

It's a game of the limbic system, our brain's emotional center.

Engage the limbic, forget the logic.

That's their mantra.


Because when your fight, flight, or freeze response is buzzing, you're not thinking. You're reacting.

Critical thinking?
Pushed aside.

Logical reasoning?

You're locked in.

The screen in front of you?
It's no longer a window to the world.
It's a mirror reflecting your fears, anger, and anxieties.

Now, let's switch the channel to entrepreneurship and business.

The same rule applies: Emotion drives action.

But here's where we flip the script.

What if, instead of exploiting emotions, businesses nurtured them?

Imagine a marketing campaign that doesn't manipulate fear but inspires hope.

A product launch that doesn't play on insecurities, but builds confidence.

It's not just ethical; it's effective.


Because in a world numbed by negativity,
positivity stands out.

It's like offering a glass of fresh water in a desert of saltwater.

Unconventional? Yes.
But since when has following the herd ever changed the world?

Businesses, take note.

Your consumers are more than just limbic responses waiting to be triggered.

They are people.
People yearning for honesty, integrity, and positivity.

Feed these yearnings, and watch loyalty grow.

End the emotional manipulation.

Begin the era of emotional empowerment.

Remember this:

Manipulating emotions for profit is easy.
But nurturing them for mutual growth?

That's the future of business.

And that, readers, is a headline worth remembering.

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