#157 🏛️ Who Is Going To Watch The Watchers? Grand Jury, Landmark Case ⚖️👨🏻‍⚖️

1 year ago

Dr. Henry Ealy, Oregon Senator Dennis Linthicum, and Judge Paul Naly join us today to talk about their Grand Jury petition filed against the CDC officials.

Their petition was initially denied, and now it is on appeal to hear oral arguments on December 5, 2023. This landmark case discusses whether private individuals can petition the Grand Jury outside prosecutorial discretion to charge corrupt officials. The Grand Jury was set up as an independent legal body charged with investigating cases brought before them by U.S. citizens, even though state or federal prosecutors traditionally have standing before the Grand Jury. The petition was denied in the Oregon State Court because it ruled that private citizens had no standing to file its petition.

This esteemed panel of guests all agree that the best way for Americans to seek justice for the governmental corruption and crimes committed against us is to exercise our right to file petitions locally in each country. More citizens should file petitions to establish this right of the people to hold any corrupt officials and private individuals who commit crimes against humanity like the Covid scam has shown. This is an enlightening and informative discussion to find resources and educate yourself on the inherent rights we all have as individuals to take action. This heroic team has been fighting in court to protect our collective rights since 2020. They are the watchers to watch the watchers who rule over us to hold them accountable. Join their efforts and sign up on their website, www.BeyondTheCon.com.

Dr. Henry Ealy:


Senator Dennis Linthicum:

Judge Paul Naly,
Helpful background:

Read the full article at https://www.savedandloved.com/post/157-who-is-going-to-watch-the-watchers-grand-jury-landmark-case

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