Ukraine - Ursula Von Der Lying

1 year ago

It's 10 years since the Maidan protests in Kiev (November 2013), instigating the US-funded government coup.

Since then the population of Ukraine has halved & the country plummeted to be the poorest country in Europe - even before the Special Operation.


The US Deep-State Cabal used the money of the likes of George Soros to fund a colour revolution as deep-state prostitute Victoria Nuland was handing out cookies in Maidan Square in 2014. 46 Bioweapons labs, child trafficking tunnels, organ harvesting, drenched in Nazism (well Ukraine was once predominantly Khazaria) and now Ukraine has no young men left alive. The cabal had a stronghold in Ukraine, it was a commodity of fools who were brainwashed to hate their brothers and sisters in Russia, so the Nazis in NATO could waste gullible Ukranian men and women to invade Russia on behalf of the demonic bastards in the Vatican for their agenda of destroying Christianity. Did I mention the $70B bribe to obtain 75% of land ownership rights to four mega GMO corporations? Communism has a nasty habit of introducing genocide and famine by land seizure and controlling food...for the better good of course. You'd think the Ukrainians would have a better understanding of history as 1917 was when the Khazarian Bolsheviks brought it on the people of Russia and the Ukraine as the zionist-nazi-bolsheviks sold the grain to the west instead of feeding the people. They even prevented foreign aid coming in. Now fast forward to land seizures in the Netherlands, start joining the dots, you should be now have recognised the genocide...vaccine are a cleaner final solution, don't you think? WAKE UP, Russia is not the enemy, the enemy is the city of London, Washington DC, Vatican, EU, UN, NATO, WEF, WHO, BIS, IMF, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group, Skull & Bones 322, Bullingdon Club, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Club of Rome, Black Nobility etc

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