A Lien on All Living Humans (Cestui Que Vie - CQV Trusts) BONDED SLAVERY!

1 year ago

This is why the mockingbird media and politicians kept "Slavery" such a hot topic. They WRONGLY blamed WHITE people for the slave trade, the huge white slave trade cannot and has never been given the same platform, why? because it does fit the narrative. The US Southern States' slave traders were predominantly Khazarian Ashkenazi Jews, or Jew'ish (false jews). The Rockefeller/Carnegie indoctrination system we call an education system AND the mockingbird media using repetition and lies steer the narrative to attack white people, or more accurately "white Christians", why? Because the Roman Catholic Church' agenda and objective was and still is to destroy God and Jesus, this was all part of their Agenda21 Agenda30 to bring in a Satanic New World Order. Now ask yourself why the Pope sits between the fangs of a Viper in the Paul VI Audience Hall? The Vatican one of the most evil places on the planet, Sinead O'Connor ripped up the photo of the Pope years ago, for a reason. The gullible fools who latch onto the "black slave trade" narrative are being used like pawns, because we are all BONDED SLAVES by our Birth Certificates, that have high monetary value placed on them and traded on the rigged stock exchange. You are worth much more than you think!

The white hats have all been in on it from the getgo!!  Gesara  is coming make no mistake about it!!!


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