#short It take self study to see things as they really are

1 year ago

#short #Adrian, #SuiGeneris, #LegalMaxims
For the full discussion:

Legal maxims can be considered as unrebuttable presumptions. If you want to learn more about how powerful these are and get a list of some of the most appropriate ones you can use, for the position that we find ourselves in right now, with out of control so called authority figures and apparent corruptions in the system, then this detailed long discussion with my esteemed guest Sui Generis can provide you with some very powerful information.

This is a simple and clear discussion and is easy to understand.

There is no fluff in this discussion, just solid information. And it is not a theoretical philosophical discussion, nor hyperbole. Enjoy.

Qui non improbat, approbat: He who does not disapprove, approves.

Web page for the podcast:

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