A Pragmatic Guide to Gratitude

1 year ago

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses a pragmatic guide to gratitude, giving five reasons why we should be grateful, and five practical steps you can implement in order to have more gratitude in your life. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.

5 reasons to be grateful
1. Being grateful makes you a more likable person.
2. Being grateful makes you more trustworthy.
3. Being grateful makes you happier.
4. Being grateful makes you less desperate.
5. Being grateful creates more opportunities for you.

5 ways to implement gratitude
1. Say thank you, be kind, be polite.
2. Give compliments.
3. Take advantage of your blessings.
4. When things go wrong, look for the good.
5. Use your resources to help others.

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