Newbie & Normie Post | Check Description

1 year ago

Newbie & Normie Post | #Dark2Light

[P]-Gate has recently shown back up due to the Elon/David Brock news, among other things, so no better time than the present to make others aware of a few of my fav digs on the subject.

#1 🚨
Unless you’re going to believe one of ABC’s top journalists whom raves about how he debunked pizza gate but just pleaded guilty in transportation and possession of child sexual abuse material. Please don’t believe me & look it up yourself.

#2 🚨
P]-Gate is not a ping pong & PIZZA joint in DC. Which is the narrative/psyop MSM pushed so that everyone asking questions would be CRAZY🤪 & obviously have those tin foil hats on a little to tight. I believe the gunman was a plant & that entire story was fabricated in order to steer public opinion. You know like the thousands(maybe millions) of other times that tactic has been used on us.

#3 🚨
[James A.], the owner of that ping pong & PIZZA joint in DC, is absolutely neck deep in [P]-Gate. I’ve already said too much. I’m praying this post can remain up. Do your own research & make up your own mind.

[P]-Gate Series | MB 👇🐸

🍕Pizza For The Family🍕👇🐸

These [People] Are Sick‼️

Fashion-Gate is [P]-Gate | Peter Nygard

The Other Orgy Island

Fashion-Gate is [P]-Gate | Pure Evil

[Epstein] was the tip of the ice berg & so is this when it comes to the massive amounts of content about it on our Rumble. I’ve spent more time doing digs and finding content on this subject than anything else, even the Vegas shooting, so there’s alot there.

This rabbit hole never ends. Just gets deeper & darker the longer you look.

Please🚨🚨🚨 Share 🚨🚨🚨 Please

Lord Give Us Eyes So We May See..

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