GLA: C&C Untitled (Generals Zero Hour Mod) Let's Play

1 year ago

In the C&C Untitled mod for Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour the GLA and it's subfactions also gets their fair share of edits and unit reskins, most unit upgrades are also done through a Salvage Yard instead of the black market which only provides salvage (which you have to pay for and is expensive) to upgrade a individual vehicle's armor and weapons as well as passively give money for your base. The Tunnel Network can be turned into either a anti-tank gun or a mortar for defense purposes and said weapon upgrades are affected by the scorpion rocket upgrade.

Units: added/edited include: Scorpion Tank (has wheels now), Technical (updated appearance), Quad Cannon (design is more of a military unit and not a modified civilian truck), Marauder Tank (has a rocket firing turret on top of it's tank gun), Pantsir (expensive and large anti-air unit with no ground attack), Battle Bus (has it's own gun and with 8 wheels and a armored appearance doesn't look like a civilian bus anymore), Toxin Tractor (the wheels on it don't look like a farming tractor anymore), SCUD Launcher (heavier look with more wheels and larger body), Stinger Soldier (dedicated AA infantry that can detect stealth aircraft), Fundamentalist (a heavy infantry unit with a unfortunate name considering Islamic fundamentalists established their own brief nation state in the 2010s and a different group of them took back Afghanistan when the US left under Biden).

The mod can be found on ModDB, look it up. The old C&C games as part of the Ultimate Collection can be found on the Official EA App. Please look up the C&C Untitled on ModDB. It is also possible to procure C&C Untitled through the GenLauncher tool for C&C Generals Zero Hour which can be found on ModDB (where it also has the 1920 1080 resolution)

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This video looks at the default GLA of the C&C Untitled mod for Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour.

0:26: In this mod the GLA has it's own dedicated radar building instead of training a van after the Arms Dealer has been built.

1:33: In this mod the Salvage Yard provides unit upgrade techs instead of the Black Market.

1:58: The Scorpion Tank has been reskinned and edited in this mod into a wheeled unit.

2:17: In C&C untitled the GLA Toxin Tractor doesn't look like a tractor anymore.

3:12: The Black Market description has been edited.

3:47: We won't need the dedicated Anti-Air Unit.

4:12: The Hijacker's face is different.

5:16: Not exactly a farming tractor in appearance.

6:18: The Salvage Upgrade description is like that of a commercial, like the ones Billy Mays used to do

7:28: Yes the van says "free candy" on the side, not comfortable with that.

8:26: These Tech's are going to take awhile to research.

9:14: I like it when the thumbnail is a close up of the mods vehicles.

10:04: I forgot to showcase the base defenses one can turn the tunnels into.

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