"Making Sense of the Government Mess" - TWnow

1 year ago

In this week's episode of TWnow, Wyatt Ciesielka, Rod McNair, and Douglas S. Winnail discuss the recent terrorist attack on the London Bridge. Who were the terrorists, and what is the ideology behind people who are willing to commit such violent acts on innocent men, women, and children. Is Islam really a religion of peace? What does the Quran teach about violence in the name of Allah? Where can REAL peace be found in the world today? They also briefly discuss the future of Britain and the European Union and domestic tensions in the United States, as former FBI Director James Comey testifies before Congress. Does the Bible reveal the true identity of the Twelve-Tribes of Israel? Could two of these tribes actually be the united States and the people of the United Kingdom? What do the Holy Days in Leviticus 23 reveal about God's eternal plan of salvation?

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