Gospel Hope for Victims of Sexual Abuse with Todd Nye

1 year ago

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave talks with Todd Nye about the issue of sexual abuse in our churches and outside of it, how the Church should address it biblically, theologically, ethically, and pastorally, along with help for biblical counselors counseling victims of sexual abuse, and his new book, The Gospel and Sexual Abuse: A Healing Balm for Bruised Bodies, Battered Minds, and Broken Hearts (G3 Press, 2023), among other topics on this new episode.

What you'll hear in this episode
• The four-stage process of dealing with accusations Jesus gave the Church.
• The role of pastors and elders in dealing with sexual abuse and reporting it.
• The role church discipline plays in sexual abuse.
• Why every elder board needs to have a policy on sexual abuse undergirded by sound theology.
• Why the gospel provides a better answer than the world’s answer on sexual abuse.
• How Christians can apply the healing balm of the gospel to those who have experienced sexual abuse.
• Help for biblical counselors on counseling those who have experienced sexual abuse.

About Today's Guest
T. Samuel Nye has served as a pastor for over twenty years and currently travels as an itinerate minister.

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