Apartheid Gov

1 year ago

“They” do not care about your political affiliations, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, dems vs reps, left vs right, or whom the collective points their finger at to blame.

“They’ve” always understood the art of war, divide and conquer to rule and control.

“They” have always understood how to conjure and harness energy to capture countries, states, cities and neighborhoods.

And “they” have always utilized the media to market propaganda, their wealth to compensate those whom are gullible enough to infiltrate communities/churches/political institutions.

Their strategies have been the same for decades, over and over again.
Disruptions in water supply, communication, agriculture, and power.
Divide & Conquer
Sow discord
Establish a scapegoat then commit vicious atrocities against that scapegoat
Scare everyone into submission
Extract resources
Lastly, scrub evidence of the truth

And “they” will turn against their own with zero conscience.

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