THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 76: The Curse Continues

1 year ago

The origin story of Jesus starts with the calling of Abraham and the pledge that his offspring would inherit the Promised Land and become a platform for the future Messiah. The land was theirs as long as they didn’t engage in idolatry.

However, there was little in the way of holiness and they were forcibly evicted. The renegade Kabbalistic movement fomented a number of wars to retake the land that God had “promised them,” conveniently ignoring the fact that Jesus had kicked them out because they were rebelliously pursuing their serpent messiah.

Even in the present day, not much has changed. Yet God told Ezekiel that all was not lost. Someday in the future, there would be a resurrection of Hebrews who had walked with God and exercised faith in the coming Messiah. The Jews alive at the time of the prophecy would not see it fulfilled, but they were given a hope of a future resurrection and a return to the Promised Land.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1871 -- JULY 31, 2022

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