狂った EFFIN MIFFED! Vickers Alogging, Metokur Femboy, and #SWATspiracy [The Laughing Daiymo]

1 year ago

In this stream Daiymo alogs the then new show Matt Vickers started, The Good the Bad and the Vicious. Later they go over Metokur Fembot being a real girl and blackmailing Czr. Daiymo then briefly touches on their former master, the art school teacher. After that they waste your time by watching a Mr. Deadman video about things foreigners shouldn't do in Japan. In the longest segment of the stream Daiymo watches the SWATspiracy video with Erik the Ghost and Had, where the video presents a hair brained theory that PPP was the one who swatted Surfer. More than half of that video talks about Jessie and the pickle costume drama which is not related to Surfer being swatted what so ever. Lastly Daiymo shows Bunson and their fish pond (more like a pot/bucket, not sure what you call those) where they were growing duckweed.

Original upload date: 27th April 2022
[狂った EFFIN MIFFED! Vickers Alogging, Metokur Femboy, and #SWATspiracy [by4HAgXp98s].mp4]

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