11/23/23 The Author of History "Who is Jesus?" part 4 S3E16p4

1 year ago

11/23/23 The Author of History "Who is Jesus?" part 4
As we’ve seen throughout the week, the “testimony of Jesus” is the spirit of prophecy, as well as some of the ways that spirit manifests in the Bible. But today we’re going to look for the “testimony of Jesus” in church history, studying Revelation chapters 2 and 3. When we come to realize that Jesus is the author of all history, we better understand the claim He makes that He holds “all authority in Heaven and on earth.” Put on your Prophecy Hats today, friends, and grab your Bibles. Buckle up, and welcome to “The Author of History.”

There are so many different versions of Jesus in the world and culture, so this week we’re getting to know the Jesus of the Bible.

Season 3 Episode 16
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