Stop Cooperating with Zionism. Too easy!

1 year ago

I love what this gentleman has to say in this video. "We are on the verge of making the ideology of Zionism extinct...The approach of war and violence - a violent approach to colonialism is going to be absolutely fatal to western companies all around the world. That has to be a serious concern to Blackrock and everybody else that comes from the OCGFC (Owners and Controllers of Global Financialised Capital)."

Bye bye Blackrock!

If you are anything like I used to be and didn't take much notice of Zionism until post 2020, I encourage you to educate yourself about their awful plans for the world and let them know that you give 'NO CONSENT'.

Silence is interpreted as acquiescence - 'passive acceptance of something without necessarily consenting to it.'

Download your free 'Protocols of Zionism' hi-res 2 page PDF - hot off the press thanks to the clever folk at the Deep State Mapping Project (D.S.M.P)



Easy way to win this battle on all levels is unity and boycotting all the big players till they submit.

This also means western world will end up suffering as well, this is a very slippery situation. People on both sides being played against each other, used as chess peices. Keep an eye on the legislation going on while this mass distraction is happening..


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