Rep. Jamaal Bowman Tells MSNBC He Couldn't Walk Through Checkpoints Because He Wasn't Jewish

1 year ago

This reminds us of the time when President Joe Biden claimed to have been arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela in jail, when in reality he was told to go through a separate door. Even the liberal fact-checkers couldn't ignore this doozy — Biden walked it back after being called out, saying, "When I said arrested, I meant I was not able, I was not able to move … I wasn’t arrested, I was stopped. I was not able to move where I wanted to go." The dude is a pathological liar.

Speaking of liars, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who assured us he pulled a fire alarm thinking it would open a locked door (which surveillance video disproved), recently went on MSNBC and claimed that he wasn't able to walk through certain checkpoints in the West Bank because he wasn't Jewish.

• More at: Twitchy - Rep. Jamaal Bowman Tells MSNBC He Couldn't Walk Through Checkpoints Because He Wasn't Jewish

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