Special Pilgrim Preaching! Makes you go "Wow...!"

1 year ago

Matthew Monfore was live.

The Pilgrim Faith from Pilgrim
Pastor John Robinson
1576 to 1625
From His works: on what it means to be a Real Christian:
"This work of grace, then, in the general, God
beginneth ordinarily by the ministry of his Word
and first of the law: which, through man's inability
to keep it, convinceth and condemneth him, and so
leaves him under God's curse: from whence also
ariseth in the mind, a servile fear of God and his
judgments, with grief and sorrow in respect
thereof, which s commonl
repentance, or (better) penitency, and so a
despairing of all remedy in a man's self. Rom. viii.
3, and chap. vii. 7; Gal. i. 10. Then cometh the
gospel of glad tidings, offering grace, and mercy
unto those, who "being weary and heavy laden," do
come untoChrist for ease and rest, by believing in
him, Matt. xi. 28; which so many do as are ordained
of God to eternal life, Acts xiii. 48; 2 Cor. iii. 6; ii.
10--12: God with and by the same gospel
ministering, and conveying the graces of his Spirit
into the heart, by which a man becomes of a
natural man, a spiritual man, and of these graces
first and principally faith, by which Christ is
received, John i. 12, and the life of grace begun, as
Paul testifieth, Gal. ii. 20, that he lived by faith in
the Son of God. From which faith and assurance of
the forgiveness of sins, and so great love of God
shed into the heart of a miserable sinner, ariseth
by reflection, as it were, a love again towards God
and from this love, a godly sorrow for sin wrought
against so good a God: and from this sorrow, true
repentance, and the turning of the heart from evil
to good, with an hatred, fear, and earnest
endeavour to avoid sin in respect of God's mercy:
as on the contrary a love, desire, and constant
endeavour of and unto whatsoever pleaseth him."

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