Revelations are coming for everyone. Liz Crokin VampireHunter [clip]

1 year ago

Revelations are coming for everyone. Soon @LizCrokin won’t be only person screaming that Pizza Gate is real.

A strong majority of political and justice system has been compromised by their lust of children. I am fully aware of how absurd that might sound to some but it is an unfortunate truth that everyone will soon accept.

Liz Crokin:
In my latest episode of Vampire Hunter, I discuss the bombshell news that John Podesta’s pal who debunked pizzagate was arrested for child porn! Slade Sohmer worked as the editor-in-chief of The Recount — a left-wing news outlet that’s covered up Pizzagate for years — and was arrested for over a thousand images of child porn and for producing it. This is not the first time a member of the media who worked for an outlet that’s “debunked Pizzagate” has been arrested for child sex crimes.

I give in-depth analysis explaining how this is a pattern and solid proof members of the media are involved in Pizzagate and that it’s always been real! EXPLOSIVE: Elon Musk calls out Media Matters stating they’re “pure evil” and yesterday commented on Pizzagate.

I detail how Media Matters is also involved in Pizzagate — and tied to James Alefantis & Comet Ping Pong — and how they've aggressively covered it up for years! The truth about Pizzagate is finally coming out and nothing can stop what’s coming! PLEASE RETWEET AND SHARE EVERYWHERE!

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