Silly Kitten Mistakes Mouse Pointer For A Fly

7 years ago

Every species’ baby is cute and adorable in its own particular way, but kittens are a special kind of adorable! Their curious nature, driven by an ancient hunter’s instinct, makes for endless hours of entertainment when you get a baby cat as a pet.

If you ask any cat owner what is their favorite pastime to share with their furbaby, they will probably tell you about the laser pointer. It is the prey that never dies! Those bright colored dots of light that laser pointers throw out, which move at different speeds and change direction quickly can satisfy every cat’s hunting instincts.

But have you ever shown your kitten the mouse pointer on your computer? Mr. Scott was introduced to it just recently and the 4-month-old orange tabby went ballistic for it! His owners were preparing for a binge session on Netflix when the kitten spotted the fast moving white arrow on the big screen and decided to knock it down!

Scotty was so enthralled with the pointer, that it even caught him off guard when it went to the edge of the screen, making him look behind the TV for it! We are laughing so hard!

He did eventually catch the prey, but not without some consequences. The screen is fine though, don’t worry.

It would seem this orange tabby has found his second favorite toy!

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