the cat has bitten to death a dog

7 years ago

The dog just wanted caress, and the cat hasn't understood him and has nearly strangled. It of course could end badly if the cat on serious wanted to make this action, but he loves dogs too and doesn't bear him the malice. And besides the dog has apprehended it as something dangerous and has begun to be protected, generally both of them haven't understood themselves. I understand that a dog young, so you are a cat where you climb to you 11 years, and you not to calm the tease. At least he understands that there is some threshold and won't cross through him. And in general it is surprising that the cat has so well got off a dog I don't wish to bite him and not to carry out the accompanying actions. The dog opposite, tried to punish, revenge somehow the offender for the inflicted suffering, but it is necessary to dismiss it, after all the early age prevents him to understand the friend, a wise cat on the present and to live peacefully and in clover without squeals and shouts. Their friendship lasts since the birth of a dog when the cat already was not young, the cat has trained a dog in manners as could, brought up him as son, licks him, tries to protect, as well as the dog protects a cat too. Teaches him how to live in the apartment, at night they wander together about the house and infections, shout at all apartment)))) Arrange jumps on all apartment, sweeping away all on the way, the Main thing!!!: they never on the present quarreled and always lived in the world and rest. And therefore I wish all that the cat and a dog lived in the world exactly as I was lucky, to the owner of these animals that they never held at each other the evils and were always friends

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