Episode 169: Max Verstappen's Rookie Trading Cards, COMC Pricing Error Protection BS & Las Vegas GP

1 year ago

NasCardRadio Episode 169: The guys are back after a week off. They review last week’s Las Vegas Grand Prix race and winner Max Verstappen's rookie trading cards. That’s a great segway to the third Topps F1 giveaway which was at the Las Vegas Grand Prix. The guys cover the last 10 cards in the 30-card set and review the other 20 cards that Topps giveaway. Next the guy’s take a look at the current Topps Now F1 Archive and it still Swiss Cheese with weeks of cards and print run numbers missing. Next the guys discuss the COMC Pricing Error Protection policy and how this is bad for buyers and sellers but great for COMC. Next the Racing Card Hall of Fame nominations are in full swing and Logan gives an update. It's that time of year for Stocks for Tots and Val covers the current attendee list. The guys close out the show with some groovy eBay auctions in ‘The Kings Court’. Happy Thanksgiving from Logan & Val #thehobby #tradingcards

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