JFK Masonic Murder: The Truth Revealed (sixty years late) #10

1 year ago

It is fitting and proper that my channel should be the one social media platform to present the truth about John F Kennedy and the Global Private Banker Sponsored firing squad Gladio Military Execution Team under Maritime Law, in broad daylight within a Masonic Triangular Park within the Maritime Port Railroad facility of Dallas Texas. The Freemason 33rd degree George Dealey upside down Pyramid shaped park adored with Masonic symbols and secret messages to those within a Secret Society Lodge of criminals.

The message for all those near and far was a stern reminder, an affirmation of the Code of Conduct under a Masonic Order of Military CULT code, full compliance under penalty of death.

1) We follow orders or people die. (it's just that simple)
2) We obey the code of silence
3) We respect the chain of command
4) We respect our World Mission Goals

The Kill Teams were positioned at the tip of the Masonic triangular park, atop the Maritime Port Authority Railroad Trestle directly above Main Street between Elm & Commerce Streets. Two teams of three, six men. Three radios, three rifles along with nearby placed CIA-Military spotters at both the North and South access points to secure the KILL BOX sniper lair.

Diversionary shooters were positioned at numerous locations to confuse the direction of rifle echo inside of the amphitheater Dealey Plaza Park zone.

501 Elm Street, Dal-Tex Building on the second and fifth floors and roof, if needed.
411 Elm Street, TSBDB on the sixth and seventh floors.
Grassy Knoll picket fence area close to the railroad tracks and away from Abraham Zapruder.
501 Main Street, Criminal Courts/Jailhouse Building as a back-up shooter, if needed.

The facts and circumstances of the public murder were concealed by a vast conspiracy of corporate criminal enterprises, intelligence agencies, and dishonest, odious people.

CBS News, Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, William S. Paley, CEO & Chairman, NYC
TIME-Life Magazine & Richard Stolley of NYC
Kodak Hawkeye CIA film development, Rochester NY
Fake book authors
Still Cameraman Phillip LaFrance Willis and video cameraman Orville Nix
Freemason 33rd degree Abraham Zapruder, Marilyn Sitzman, Charles & Beatrice Hester,
Erwin Schwartz & Lilian Riger of Jennifer Juniors
Johnny Carson and NBC Tonight Show
William F. Buckley, CIA operative and media personality
Mark Levin Lane, Bronx Jewish cover artist for JFK and Jim Jones Peoples Temple massacre
Oliver Silverstein Stone who avoided the Port Facility railroad trestle sniper Masonic lair.
David Atlee Phillips, aka; Maurice Bishop control agent for Lee Oswald
E Howard Hunt & Dorothy Wetzel Hunt
Michael Paine & Ruth Hyde, CIA crisis actors
General Edward Lansdale, logistics
J Edgar Hoover & Clyde Tolson
Allen Dulles, Earle & Charles Cabell, and LBJ
Roy Kellerman, William Greer, Clint Hill and all the other Secret Service criminals
Prescott Bush
George HW Bush, eyewitness
George W Bush, eyewitness
Gerald Posner, Case Closed
Johnny Roselli, Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Santo Trafficante, Micky Cohen
Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, Guy Bannister, Perry Russo, George de Mohrenschildt
HL Hunt, Clint Murchison family, David Harold Byrd
The Dallas sheriff and chief of police, scout car abandoned their post.
The Sixth Floor Museum, a monument to mendacity and concealment of truth

The Tate-Folger-LaBianca NATO Gladio military murders were concealed in the very same manner.


Fake Media Leaders:

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