Hungary's Orban Targets Ursula Von Der Leyen in Latest Attack on the EU PREVOD SR

11 months ago

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At Firstpost, we focus on facts, keep the noise out and bring you stories from across the globe, viewing them through the Indian lens

We break down stories, we explain, and we give you the context you need. The analysis is informed and engaging and most importantly, it gives you the truth, upgrades you and makes you world ready. Our stories are insightful and perceptive; they help you understand what’s happening around the world. Our narratives are immersive; our opinions only provoke you to think more.

Through our flagship show Vantage - we cover the biggest news stories from a 360-degree perspective, giving viewers a chance to assess the impact of world events through a uniquely Indian lens.

By breaking stereotypes, Vantage aims to challenge conventional wisdom and present an alternative view on global affairs, defying the norm and opening the door to new perspectives.
Vantage airs Monday to Friday at 9 PM IST on Firstpost across all leading platforms. ​

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U Firstpostu se fokusiramo na činjenice, čuvamo buku i donosimo vam priče iz cijelog svijeta, gledajući ih kroz indijski objektiv

Rastavljamo priče, objašnjavamo i dajemo vam kontekst koji vam je potreban. Analiza je informirana i zanimljiva i što je najvažnije, daje vam istinu, nadograđuje vas i čini svijet spremnim. Naše priče su pronicljive i pronicljive; pomažu vam da shvatite šta se dešava širom svijeta. Naši narativi su impresivni; naša mišljenja vas samo provociraju na više razmišljanja.

Kroz našu vodeću emisiju Vantage - pokrivamo najveće vijesti iz perspektive od 360 stupnjeva, dajući gledateljima priliku da procijene uticaj svjetskih događaja kroz jedinstveno indijsko sočivo.

Razbijajući stereotipe, Vantage ima za cilj da izazove konvencionalnu mudrost i predstavi alternativni pogled na globalna pitanja, prkoseći normama i otvarajući vrata novim perspektivama.

Vantage se emituje od ponedjeljka do petka u 21:00 IST na Firstpostu na svim vodećim platformama. ​

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