The British Empire, False Flags, Israel War as a Distraction From the Great Reset Attack on U.S.A.

1 year ago

The British Empire, False Flags, Israel War as a Distraction From the Great Reset Attack on U.S.A.
October 19th, 2023
Mirrored From:
There are several things I want to say about the Israeli-Palestinian War that’s taking place.

Point Number One:
It’s a hugely complex issue, and to make a proper assessment, you need to have an understanding of all that’s led up to it.
So, the rule of the area under the Ottoman Empire and the ending of that Empire and after World War One: The situation that arose after that point – the intervention in the Middle East by the two Colonial Powers Britain and France: The subsequent dividing up of the Middle East into “protectorates” and “spheres of influence”:
The Zionist movement that advocated that Jews should have a nation that they could claim as their own: The Balfour Declaration: The number of Arabs in the area as compared to the Jews at the beginning of the 20th Century and the changing nature of these numbers throughout the century: The influx of Jews into the area: The exodus of Palestinians.
The UN vote of 1947 which divided British controlled Palestine into two separate States, Israel and Palestine. An initiative which didn’t end the sectarian violence that had been increasing, but which led to an Arab-Israeli war directly afterwards (1948 to 1949). Israel won this war although Gaza was controlled by Egypt. Many Palestinians then left the country.
The Six Day War in 1967 in which Israel took over the West Bank, Gaza as well as other territory beyond the borders of the former British Palestine.
The Camp David Peace Accord.
The establishment of the PLO.
The settlers setting up homesteads and towns in the West Bank.
The First Intifada.
The establishment of Hamas.
The Oslo Peace Accord.
The assignation of Israeli PM Rabine.
The Second Intifada.
Etc etc
There are some Geopoltical aspects to consider also although talking about these could be the subject on an entire video.

Just to give you a quick indication of twhat I mean … we have to consider also Pan Arab Nationalism.
We have to consider the growing influence of America in the region
And we have to consider oil – Black Gold.
All these three things came together in 1953 in Persia (modern day Iran), under the code name Operation Ajax, the British (MI6) along with the Americans (CIA) orchestrated the overthrow of the democratically elected government under the leadership of Mosaddeq principally because he had the audacity to nationalize the then British owned oil industry. Mosaddeq wanted Persia to be a self-determining nation – as was only right and proper for a state leader. He also happened to be interested in a pan Arab unity and thus constituted a greater threat to the interests of the British and US Empires than he would otherwise have been. As an aside, I should point out that our Overlords don’t much care for Nationalist tendencies arising in nation states as they constitute a threat to their rule (misrule).

Back to the Israel Palestine War …
I have a view on it, but I haven’t researched the subject anywhere near enough to make a final judgement on it.

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