JFK Will Not Go Away, 2023 Version

1 year ago

JFK Will Not Go Away, 2023 Version by Bruce de Torres, November 22, 2023

Sixty years ago, on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas, Texas. Studying the truth about what happened reveals his greatness, which inspires us to attain the same, the same way: by living the idea “Give me liberty or give me death.” That attitude is the only thing that has ever created liberty.

The forces that killed Kennedy are sickening and impoverishing us. We have let them create enemies all over the world through decades of aggression. They plan to make their surveillance and control of our lives complete.

Comprehending this, I wrote GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free. I wanted to inspire people to re-create America, which died with the USA Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security.

We must hunt for the truth. It is not handed to us. We must defy tyranny. We must feel fear and do what must be done anyway. That is all there is to courage.

We can use the ideals of America’s founding, and JFK’s example, to inspire us to teach people, every day, who the real adversaries are. We must study examples of courage and strength and goodness to overcome the savagery and immaturity with which we are bombarded; the savagery and immaturity that will destroy our sanity and ability to function if we let it.

Everyone has the same chance, not to be president – though we do preside over our lives – but to think about death in a way that gives us life, a way that give us power, and that way, which Kennedy demonstrated and said was his tactic, is to live each day as if it were your last. How we would love each other. How we would love watching children play. The ease with which we would say “No” to the unacceptable, come what may.

JFK is not going away because it’s not okay to kill a president and get away with it, especially not one who was actually doing his job, working to improve the quality of life for all Americans and people all over the world by inspiring them to want, and helping them have, more of the only thing we need in order to succeed: freedom.

He represents talent, integrity, unfinished business, bulldog determination, savoir faire, which means “know-how, especially in social or diplomatic situations.” He represents the sanity of dealing with reality, the strength and self-confidence to take responsibility for trying to solve problems and make life what we wish it to be.

He will never go away, because people will always be and appreciate the life-force, which is all that exists, namely, love.

That self-awareness lies dormant in many people. With love and encouragement, we can help people wake up not only to their true nature and the joys of life but also to life’s responsibilities, the chance to self-govern, the chance to be free.

In the name of love, joy, freedom and self-government, John F. Kennedy is remembered. Thank you.

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