1 year ago



Jesus fucking Christ! Facts, logic, statistics, and real world examples all mean NOTHING to that covid tard. I thought I was the only one who had to deal with such obviously mentally incompetent covid tards. You have to wonder how he managed to live so long without claiming a Darwin award.


Sky news, or as they are more widely known in Australia: the regional branch of the Israeli propaganda ministry, showing that they are owned by the Murdochs. Spruiking anyone and everyone other than the Australian people having a say on immigration.

If they listened to the Australian people there would be no immigrants for the state premiers to have a say on.


Another topic where I wish the government would just leave us the fuck alone. There is plenty of work for the government to do in keeping drugs away from children, and prevent people being forced to suffer secondhand smoke. Every dollar spent on trying to micro manage the lives of adults is one less dollar for protecting children.

Michaela Cash, if she gets any more hard and brittle she will start cracking.


20 years sounds bloody optimistic to me. Provided they survive the shots in 20 years those responsible for crimes against humanity will most likely still be alive and eligible to be hanged for their crimes. I would expect to see something more like a 70 year plus moratorium on investigations.

As to free speech, we have never had that as a right. People from outside Australia would be astounded by the extent of resistance to free speech. Morons don't want free speech because the government has told them free speech would prevent the government from censoring the moron's enemies. So, the section of the population made up of morons opposes free speech, and the government censors everyone, including the morons, but they are so stupid they think that despite being censored themselves as long as their enemies are censored they have won some sort of great victory. I'm living in a nation of idiots.

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