Grif's Special Report: JFK in El Paso and His Legacy

1 year ago

Sixty years ago, President Kennedy visited El Paso which was the biggest political event in the Southwest. Tens of thousands from the area came to see him. He represented true hope and prosperity for the world. Today, 60 years after his assassination, let's remember his legacy and promises he had for our country.


O'Neill, Jesse. New York Post. Rfk Jr. Repeats Claim...(2023)

Long, Trish. Past Presidential Visits: John F. Kennedy in 1963 (2019)

1963: Over 300,000 Will Greet JFK on Visit to El Paso November 22, 1963: Death of the President (2023)


Poly Math (YT) JFK Speech about Deep State and Secrecy...(20

PRX (YT) American Experience: International Reaction to the Death of JFK (2015)

CNBC (YT) President Trump: The Future does not belong to the globalists. (2019)

Oliver Stone. JFK (1991)

Moyer, Jeff (YT) The Human League-Seconds (2018)


Human League-Seconds

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