Psychopath Doctors

1 year ago

The ordinary people of this world are "Chattel", corporate vessels, dead souls lost at Sea, legal fictions. Our Birth Certificates are traded on the stock exchange and are bonded by a value placed by the IMF; this is your CQV Trust (Cestui Que Vie Trust). The cabal over many years created a Matrix, a Prison planet, a "Farm" (you'll find out how and why). The World Health Organisation, just like the UN, just like NATO, just like the WEF are all terrorist organisations but the psychopaths run the asylum. Within the BS healthcare system are Doctors who see you are nothing more than a means to financially benefit from you, but then John D Rockefeller established the "healthcare system" on the BS Germ Theory garbage of Louis Pasteur. Many Doctors' are Godless and Soulless, which is why most didn't flinch when they profiteered and broke their hippocratic oath to give you an untested, unapproved genetic bioweapon. This Doctor appears to have carved a niche for himself. Do not trust Doctors unless you can see evidence of them having show courage from 2020 onwards to do the right thing. 2020 was the start of God's IQ test, the vast majority of Doctors failed it.

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