Claire McCaskill Warns That Trump Is 'Even More Dangerous' Than Hitler & Mussolini

1 year ago

You'd think that the Left would get a bit tired of this kind of wildly over-the-top rhetoric but at this point it's all they've got. Former Dem Sen. Claire McCaskill, however, knows what MSNBC's audience expects and she delivered for them without any pangs of embarrassment whatsoever: “Trump is “even more dangerous” than Hitler and Mussolini.” McCaskill: “A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between Mussolini and Hitler, and the use of the terminology like vermin, and the — the drive that those men had towards autocracy and — and dictatorship. The difference, though, I think, makes Donald Trump even more dangerous. And that is he has no philosophy he believes in.

“He is not trying to expand the boundaries of the United States of America. He’s not trying to overcome a neighboring country like Putin is in Ukraine. He is not going to some grandiose scheme of international dominance. All he wants is to look in the mirror and see a guy who’s president. All he cares about is selfish self-promotion. That’s the only philosophy he has, which makes it even more dangerous. “Because he has actually said out loud that would be OK to terminate the Constitution to keep him in power. He said this. He actually said those words. And the irony is all of these supposedly conservative folks that have populated the Republican Party, all stood around and with their — with the thumb in their mouth going, ‘Well, yeah, OK, I guess so. It’s — it’s bizarre.”

Trump was already president for four years but THIS TIME it's going to be different in a Hitler-iffic sense. Such original, cutting-edge material. Expect nothing but the classics again this time around from the Dems! -- Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Trump has a town in Israel (Trump Heights) named after him. Also Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and has Jewish grandchildren. Otherwise McCaskill really nailed the comparison. Those kinds of claims from Democrats are 100 percent pure projection: These lies are more dangerous than anything Trump has done or will do. Trump was supposedly “embracing authoritarianism” for 4 years. Then Democrats took power and used him as an excuse to be authoritarians. They kicked people out of jobs over COVID. They weaponized the DOJ.

• More at: Twitchy - Ex Sen. Claire McCaskill Warns That Trump is 'Even More Dangerous' Than Hitler & Mussolini

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