Confidence & Eloquence - Part Two - Client Channeling & Tarot

1 year ago

Forgiveness & Authenticity
Embracing Imperfection
Affirmations & Mirror Work
Learning through Experience
High Priestess & King of Swords

This is part two of a Higher Self Channeling and Tarot Reading I did for a client on gaining confidence and not feeling like an imposter. My Higher Self says the confidence to show up lies with embracing imperfection, leading with forgiveness and acceptance of self. Acting from a place of authenticity not only allows you to learn through experiences but it also inspires others. Showing them that they can do the same. To be unapologetically you and expand and grow through the process of living regardless of the outcomes. My higher self also mentions that dwelling over the future creates fear in your now moment. The future remains unwritten, and the only time that exists is now. If you live within the future worst case scenarios, you are creating from that energy. Breathe, let go and just trust. Challenges may arise but you can tackle them when they get here and expand to be a better you as a result.
Affimations mentioned in the video,
I am free to speak my mind no matter what I think.
I am perfect just the way I am.
I allow myself to express my authenticity with zero regrets.
I love and forgive myself.
I share my voice confidently.

If you are interested in receiving guidance like this specifically meant for you, I provide higher self channelings, one on ones and tarot readings on my website. Link is in my profile but my website is,

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