March 25, 2011 🎺 The Widow's Mite and a blessed Servant of the Lord

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The Lord explains… The Widow’s Mite & A blessed Servant of Mine

March 25, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an Online Fellowship – For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… Blessed is that servant of Mine who seeks out the poor, whose heart is eager to help the needy, for they know My ways and seek to please Me. Blessed also is My servant who gives out of the abundance they have received, for they walk in My ways. Yet most blessed is My servant who gives from their lack, for they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God… Lo, they have understood.

Yet woe to the servant who ignores the poor, and draws back their hand from reaching out to the needy, while they sit at ease in their abundance. For great lack and much desolation are coming, coming quickly, to take from their abundance and to leave their houses desolate, to remove all they withheld!… That their eyes might be opened and their hearts softened, for these have yet to truly know Me.

Woe also to My servant who feels they are in lack, and have refused to give even the smallest amount, for only tears and great sorrow await them… For they have not known Me, having learned nothing from the poor widow.

Little flock, have you learned nothing from My Word?! Have you so quickly forgotten all My Letters, in where I have written to you by the pen of My prophets?! For indeed, who you choose defines what you do, as I have already taught you. And who are the poor and the needy?… How have you treated them, while entreating Me?

Do not lie to yourselves, little children. Every one of you who live in these United States, who have sat at this table, want for nothing. And every one of you who live in the modern cities and towns, with their many luxuries and devices, also lack for nothing…

Shall you mince words over a dollar, while others sit upon the ground and seek to draw water from a pit?! Shall you covet five dollars or even ten while you drive about in your automobiles, and yet your brothers and sisters overseas willingly walk miles to preach My Word, with joy, even unto their dying breath?!

And still, some of you sit at ease in your padded chairs, punching the keys, saying within yourselves… ‚I am delivered’… You are NOT delivered! From the power of sin, yes My children, I have delivered you… Yet some of you remain married to this world! And those married must remain so. For no bride is to be shared, nor shall any spotted garment be worn at the wedding.

For I am come to gather My bride, and I will surely marry her at the time appointed… Yet those who remain married to another, even to themselves, can by no means be joined unto Me, lest adultery be brought into the house of The Lord.

Choose therefore!… Choose Me wholeheartedly, and in truth, with fervent love, and entreat Me at every opportunity… That our joy may be full!

My beloved, you are My treasure! Yet some of you count yourselves as first, having loved another more than Me, therefore you must be last. For The Lord your God is no respecter of persons. I search the hearts and minds of all people! And that discipline reserved for the churches of men, is it not also for you, even to a greater degree? Or have you never read the Scripture, where I said, “For everyone, to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more”?… Therefore choose, make your decision… It is time!

Beloved, I want you to be with Me, where I am! I want My servants to fly away with Me!… But first, there are many broken wings which need mending. I am The Lord.

As it is written in Marc 12:41-44
And sitting opposite the treasury, He saw how the people put copper into the treasury. And many rich ones put in much. And a poor widow came and threw in two small coins, which amount to a quarter. And calling near His disciples, He said to them… ‚Truly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those putting into the treasury, for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her entire livelihood.‘

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