Galatians 2:1-10 "Freedom in Christ" 11/19/2023

10 months ago

The key verse…and the theme of this letter Paul writes to the churches in Galatia…is found in 2:4:
“Our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus.”
We have freedom in Jesus!
Freedom from legalism…freedom from sin…guilt, condemnation, death, and freedom from the curse of the law.
Freedom that cost us nothing…but cost Him everything!
Ever since his conversion on the Damascus Road…Paul…the missionary…has been busy spreading the gospel message.
During his first missionary journey…with Barnabas…who had become a dear friend and companion on his long journeys…
They established the churches that he addresses…as the Galatian churches…
Which consist of Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe…you can find that mission’s trip in Acts 13:14-14:23.
But when he leaves the province of Galatia…Jewish legalists (called Judaizers) come in and begin to teach…
That the Gentile Christians also need to be circumcised and follow Torah…
This greatly upsets Paul because it says that Jesus didn’t fulfill God’s promise to Abraham…

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