Will you bow down...?

10 months ago

WAR ON HUMANITY: Our so called `leaders` the DOD and others, declared war on humanity through a fraudulent pandemic to force inject the world with a lethal injection. That was the beginning of the war, it`s set to get worse.
They killed our loved ones, they tortured and beat humanity, they forced us apart to let our loved ones die alone on the basis of lies. They drew first blood through their bioweapons and injections they created before the pandemic which have now killed millions of innocent people worldwide. They declared a global war on humanity and now we must be brave and defend our lives and our freedom.
They will not stop unless we stop them. We must rise together, we must be brave. In the end, only the people who refuse to bow down will win. The vaccine can be seen as a silent Holocaust, killing and maiming millions but they`re not afraid to openly , in full view of the world, demolish, destroy and bomb people worldwide. At the moment they are genociding Palestinian women and children, and escalating into Lebanon and Syria. They operate both secret and open destruction in order to enslave the entire world. A lot of blood is being spilled, and that is always the case when evil and oppression and tyranny rises up. You cannot fight against tyranny and evil with words alone, you must refuse to partake, refuse the jab, refuse to support the wars on women and children. Cut off all main stream media, don`t buy any product from their multinational companies, ditch your smartphone, use cash, refuse to be enslaved. These murderers and criminals will stop only when we refuse to comply, no matter what it costs us. Life, humanity and freedom must be defended at all times even if it means being thrown into prison or shot. Remember the price people paid throughout history, the brutal Inquisitions, apartheid. Now it`s our time to take a stand.
They are planning future Pandemics, a World War, a financial collapse and many other global crimes until they reach their ultimate goal which is total world control of the remaining reduced populations. This is a real war, a war on humanity by a small group of people who must now understand their days of ruling our Earth are over. Revelation 19 verse 20. The Beast is the system they are setting up now. The False Prophet is the media. Stand Up and Be Strong. All our `Politicians` have bowed down, not one government leader spoke out against Israeli war crimes, not one main stream media spoke out against the genocide, not one leader rejected the vaccines being brought into their countries. The war is now against the people worldwide, our leaders are traitors and the media is their mouthpiece. Form house-groups and build local strong communities with like-minded people.

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