Kubrick & Moon Landing - Bizarre Story Never Told - Edge of Wonder - 2018

1 year ago

Published on Jul 27, 2018

"Was Stanley Kubrick apart of the biggest cover-up in history when the Apollo 11 landed on the moon, on July, 20 1969? Also did he leaves clues behind in his later movies that would prove his involvement? Why did we suddenly stop boldly exploring space shortly after the Apollo missions?

On today's episode of Edge of Wonder, Ben n' Rob will explore all of these questions and present the evidence of what they found after hours of extensive research on this subject. Be prepared to have your mindblown on this Part 1 of a 2 Part episode on what actually happened during the Apollo missions.


Apollo Moon Landing: NASA

Stock Images: www.Shutterstock.com

Music: Audio Blocks: https://www.audioblocks.com

Voice provided by 'Radio Face': https://voice123.com/profiles/chrisslone

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