Dinosaur Hoax - Unlocked Mind

1 year ago

Not only are dinosaur’s a hoax, the education system was purchased by the Rockefellers and the murderous Gate's great grand daddy in 1902 making the education system a hoax as well.

(ie. The indoctrination system designed to keep us ignorant and helpless.)

The dinosaur hoax must also be maintained because it validates and underpins the Rockefeller-coined term "fossil fuels" and the entire concept that oil (and by extension every industry connected to oil products) is a finite resource, rather than the renewable resource that it is.

When adult men learn that dinosaurs are a hoax and cry to me about it; all I can think about is other countries like China, Russia, The Vatican, and Israel just sending their armies over to our lands of feminine men and unfaithful women to just absolutely annihilate our cities and way of life, and then take our sons and daughters as war slaves and sex trafficking objects (war treasures).

It is already happening through family courts and hollywood entertainment. America is worst than many 3rd world countries with all the missing children. It is a target.

NPCs believe dinosaurs were real. Real humans with a soul know dinosaurs are a hoax to hide our true history (ie her story; ie earth's story and our true past) including GIANTS and FREE ENERGY.

#UnlockedMind #DinoHoax #FlatEarthFightClub


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