Determined fish works hard to catch crab hiding in rocks

1 year ago

This wrasse lives in the waters surrounding the Galapagos Islands. It has caught a glimpse of a small crab hiding among the rocks. Quick to scurry under cover, the wary crab believes it has found safe refuge under the chunks of lava that scatter the ocean floor. But the fish is not deterred and it is not afraid of a little hard work to get a meal.
With surprising coordination, the fish grasps the stones in its mouth and tosses them aside quickly. When the stones are all moved and there is nowhere left to hide, it lunges forward and pins the crab, inhaling it along with a mouthful of crushed sand and stone. As it adjusts and spits out the stones, the crab makes a brief escape. But the crab has been injured and the fish easily catches it as it slowly sinks. The crab is grabbed again and swallowed as the fish swims off, victorious.

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