Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher could be a matter of life or death

7 years ago

If a small fire broke out in your home or workplace, would you know how to use a fire extinguisher? Have you even thought about it? Trisha Smith said she has never used one and admits the idea makes her nervous – even though she has three in her house. “I’m a little nervous,” Smith said. “If it was actually happening, I know I would be nervous.” Christine Kochanowski has worked at three restaurants but said she never received any training – even though a restaurant could be a danger zone in a fire. “Behind a bar you have a lot of alcohol and it can quickly go up,” Kochanowski said.  “There’s spills on the bar. And if you didn’t know where they were and weren’t taught how to use them, it can go out of control pretty quickly. “It is very important because you might be the closest person to save someone’s life or put out the fire before it gets out of hand.”

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